Planning for a bathroom remodel is different than designing an entire house which is different from planning for a whole subdivision or neighborhood. Yet, in spite of differences in timing and magnitude they all need to work together and preferably without costing the homeowner additional time or money.
Blueprint 2040 is like that. Our process is designed to build upon and add to other planning processes in the region and across the state. All will benefit from your input and, being respectful of your time, we’ll do our best to gather that input in as few “asks” as possible. We will also coordinate with our colleagues from other agencies to assure the content of our plans tie together.
What follows are the plans of which we’re aware and how Blueprint 2040 will relate to them.
The State Long Range Transportation Plan – Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
This state plan will recommend how limited resources available to the state should be distributed across three major types of investments on the state highway system: preservation, modernization and expansion.
Blueprint 2040 will identify regional priority projects and needs that relate to the broad investment types. These priorities will be considered by ADOT in subsequent project programming (i.e., prioritizing projects for funding) efforts.
The study started October 2015 and concludes October 2016.
Arizona State Freight Plan – ADOT
This state plan is examining freight flow into, out of, and through the state of Arizona. It will look at trends in commodity flows and identify priority projects for improving economic conditions through better freight movement.
Blueprint 2040 will use data and recommendations from this study to support the region’s freight discussion and Blueprint chapter. Several community members serve on the state’s freight technical advisory committee that oversees this study to ensure that regional needs are well communicated.
The study started February 2015 and concludes October 2016.
Transit Spine Route – NAIPTA (Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority)
In May 2013 NAIPTA adopted the 5-year and Long Range Transit Plan where a cross-town “spine” route was recommended to reorganize the entire system and provide for ridership growth in the most effective way. The Transit Spine Route study will recommend a final alignment to connect several important activity centers from the Airport through the Milton corridor, to Downtown, to the Hospital, and over to the Mall.
Blueprint 2040 will model the impacts of the recommended route and incorporate adaptions to the Long Range Transit Plan resulting from the Transit Spine Route study.
The study started in March 2015 and concludes March 2016.
Human Services Public Transportation Coordinated Plan – NAIPTA/FMPO
The Coordinated Plan focuses on transportation services to the elderly and disabled and seeks to coordinate services by non-profit organizations and others with NAIPTA provided regional public transit services.
Blueprint 2040 will incorporate the higher level goals and policies from the Coordinated Plan to create a stronger policy relationship between the documents.
The plan update started in November 2015 and concludes December 2016.
Lockett Road Corridor Study – City of Flagstaff
The City will develop alternatives for Lockett Road that address increasing traffic, needs for better access management, and the potential for future connections at the east end.
Blueprint 2040 will assist in modeling the impacts of various alternatives and incorporate final recommendations if they are ready at the time of publication. Additionally, the two plans will likely coordinate public outreach efforts.
The study will tentatively start in February 2016 and take one year to complete.
Milton Road Alternatives Operational Analysis – FMPO
FMPO is working with a consultant to evaluate a wide array of potential improvements for Milton Road to manage congestion as traffic grows. This technical study will provide information for a future corridor study that will marry a preferred land use strategy with the most appropriate improvements from the Alternatives Operational Analysis.
Blueprint 2040 may make broad strategy recommendations for Milton Road that speaks to the types of access management, intersection treatments, and multimodal improvements evaluated in the Alternatives Operational Analysis. This will include a range of probable costs.
The study started in June 2014 and is being coordinated with the Transit Spine Route study to evaluate the effects of different transit solutions for the Milton Road corridor.
La Plaza Vieja Neighborhood Plan – City of Flagstaff
This plan adopted by Flagstaff City Council in October 2015, clearly states a preference that arterial traffic is best directed to Milton Road. The plan recognizes that future development in the neighborhood will need proper circulation and access and – if Blueprint 2040 and the Milton Road Alternatives Operational Analysis conclude that road connectivity is required through the neighborhood it offers adaptation or extensions of McCracken Street as a strong preference over Clay Avenue.