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Regional Transportation Plan

FMPO Boundary II

Introduction to Blueprint 2040


Welcome to Blueprint 2040: FMPO Regional Transportation Plan, the place where the Flagstaff region drafts its transportation future. Blueprint 2040 builds on the goals and policies of the Flagstaff Regional Plan 2030: Place Matters general plan. Place Matters distinguishes our local places by the urban, suburban or rural character as well as the activity centers that anchor them.


With Blueprint 2040, a federally required update to the regional transportation plan, master plans will be drafted for our multimodal transportation system: roads, transit, bicycle facilities, the pedestrian realm and our freight system. Blueprint will add dimensions to our transportation system at the plan and policy level, bridging the gap between the aspirational policies of Place Matters and the transportation facility details contained in city and county engineering standards. Like house plans that contain framing, plumbing, and electrical plans, the master plans’ Blueprint will lay out how the unique transportation modes work together to create the structural framework of our transportation system.


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